General's Handbook 2023 - Season 1 (ENG)
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General's Handbook 2023 - Season 1 (ENG)
Inside this 96-page ringbound book, you'll find:
- Background material reveals the frostbitten history and current plight of a barren, ice-shattered continent in Ghur € Andtor, the Bitter Land
€ The newest Pitched Battles battlepack, which you'll need in order to fight Pitched Battles in the current tournament season. This includes the current army selection rules, an introduction to the Battle Ready standard of painting, and a complete list of official publications for use in Pitched Battles
€ New realm rules for fighting in the icy tracts of Andtor, where arcane power holds the chill at bay € including rules for calling on primal magic, wielding the new Lore of Primal Frost, and donning Nullstone Adornments for armies without wizards
€ Two new core battalions and a host of enhancements to help you wage war in the frozen landscape
€ 12 new battleplans, along with six grand strategies and eight battle tactics, offering new ways to claim victory in this season of Pitched Battles
€ Updated warscrolls for each of the universal Endless Spells
€ A blank tournament scoring sheet for you to photocopy and use
€ The Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Rules € reprinted here for you to reference, including a rules index